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二次曲线主轴方程的解析法建模研讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据既是共轭又互相垂直的直径对有心二次曲线(双曲线椭圆)进行建模研究,建立了有心二次曲线和类似建立了无心二次曲线(抛物线)主轴方程的模型,推证得知,任意无穷远点关于二次曲线的极线都是直径。而且它们都通过中心,有心二次曲线有一对主轴,无心二次曲线仅一个主轴。  相似文献   
从不同的角度、用不同的方法给出了异面直线间距离公式的证明。  相似文献   
不动产异议登记机关应当明确在审查程序中只承担形式审查的义务,而不应当再承担实质审查义务,但在《物权法》中未明确规定。由于异议登记制度保全了不动产真实权利人的物权请求权,能够对抗第三人的善意取得,从而弥补登记簿上登记的权利和现实权利不相吻合的漏洞,更加全面和迅速的平衡当事人之间的利益,给予真正权利人以快捷有效的保护,更好地发挥了异议登记制度的作用。同时,可以引进公证制度和保险制度更好的配合异议登记的审查程序。  相似文献   
给出了解析几何中点到直线距离的几种求法,有公式法、构造平面法、参数法、向量法及特例法等.  相似文献   
直线的扫描转换就是在数字设备上绘制一条直线。“距离比”算法的基本原理是相对于当前像素,下一个像素由相邻的三个像素到直线的距离最短来确定。  相似文献   
本文介绍了基于工业控制计算机的三坐标经济型数控系统硬件组成和技术实现,并详细阐述了采用逐点比较法插补空间直线的原理,软件流程和判终方法。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the emergence of science education in the seventeenth century with the influences of Joseph Priestley on the Dissenting Academies. Primarily, this paper analyses Priestley’s ideas from some of his letters to scientists during his time and his ideas from his books Miscellaneous Observations Relating to Education (1778) and the Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life (1765). As an expository essay, analysis shows that the inclusion of experimental science education dates back from the Dissenting Academies when they explicitly aligned science education for practical life. With Priestley’s advocacy on experimental learning in science, his idea of hands-on science education encouraged other dissenters to seek and understand the changing natural world. His advocacy states that knowledge and understanding of the natural world builds the foundation for rationally evaluating the developments derived from permissible scientific theories. Not setting aside religious studies, Priestley promoted a radical education which ended the restrictions to the privileged and powerful few so that it opened up the access of learning for everyone whose capacity may range from scientific, religious, political, or educational propensities.  相似文献   
资本多数决原则有利于公司进行兼并重组和资产处置等重大行为.同时公司的结构性变化往往对股东权益造成重大影响。为在公司效率和股东保护之间求得平衡,应赋予少数持有异议的股东股份评估权。通过行使该权利,异议股东将股份以公平价格出售给公司从而收回投资。多数国家和地区均规定了这一权利.我国新修订的公司法首次确立了股份评估权。通过对股份评估救济主要内容的比较研究,对相关立法进行评价,对其贯彻实施和完善提出建议.  相似文献   
The second part of this account of struggles over literacy begins in the later seventeenth century. From the 1670s, the new dissenting academies, backed by rising business classes, made teaching in English for a wider curriculum their goal. Thus was Defoe’s mastery of a new spoken style developed, while in Scotland, the eighteenth century achievements of the Scottish Enlightenment heralded Modern Subjects. But the labouring peasantry and new urban working classes had to wait for revolutionary tribunes like Tom Paine and Cobbett to speak directly to them. Even then their prolonged struggles for a literacy in their own terms continued – and met a new setback, when the 1870 Act promised them universal education, but in tests dominated by Payment by Results. The struggles resumed.  相似文献   
The first part of this account of struggles over literacy begins with the later middle ages and follows issues in the construction of a literacy addressed to the lower orders through to the seventeenth century. After the suppression of the Lollard Bible had left the English peasantry without that spur to literacy, the sixteenth-century formation of Renaissance grammar schools, with their classical education based on rhetoric, created a new cultural and linguistic gap from the lower orders. Only the most original English writers, steeped in this classical tradition, managed occasionally to bridge the gap. But after 1650, Hobbes led the way in avoiding figurative language, at least for philosophical and scientific discussion, and Lucy Hutchinson, from a dissenting family, showed in her autobiography how a fondness for the servants’ stories could open the way to a colloquial idiom.  相似文献   
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